When can you double? Normally, you can offer your opponent the doubling cube just before you roll your dice. In this case, you must click either the dice or the doubling cube when it's your turn to indicate whether you want to double or not. There are several situations where you cannot use the doubling cube:
When you cannot double, FIBS will roll for you automatically; you do not have to click the dice it indicate you want to roll. How to double To offer the double to your opponent, just click the doubling cube before you roll. MacFIBS will display a window to confirm the double, click OK to send the double message (you can disable this confirmation window once you are familiar with doubling.) It will take your opponent a few moments to receive and consider your offer, so be patient. If your opponent accepts the offer, FIBS will roll your dice for you and you can then take your move. The doubling cube will move to the top of the board window indicating your opponent now possesses the cube. If your opponent declines your double, the game (and possibly the match) ends immediately. When should you double? Good question! If I knew the answer, I'd be rich now! Knowing when to double (and when not to) is what separates top players from the rest of us. There are many excellent backgammon books that discuss doubling in detail, and the debate about whether to make or accept a double in a given situation is a frequent topic of discussion on the backgammon newsgroup. Related topics |
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