Peeking at a match

    When you peek at a match, you get a snapshot of the match, showing the board position at that moment. This is different than watching a match, where you become a participant of the match.

    Unlike watching, the participants of a match are not informed when someone peeks at match. You can even peek at a match while you are currently playing, although you should take care not to confuse the game position of your match with the match you peek at.

    There are several ways to peek at a match:

    (1) Select a player or match in the Players window, and choose Peek at <player> from the Player menu.

    (2) Select a player or match, and choose Peek at <player> from the contextual menus (hold the Control key down to activate contextual menus.)

    (3) Option-click a player or match in the Players window. This is a handy way to quickly view the state of various matches.

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