Inviting someone to play a match

    You can invite someone to play a match by any of the following methods:

    1. selecting their name in the Game Room window and choosing Invite from the Player menu,
    2. double clicking their name (this is a preference setting),
    3. dragging their name from the Game Window to the Board window,
    4. dragging the icon from the Inspector or a private chat window to the board window.

    Any of these actions will open a window where you choose the number of points for a new match, or allow you to resume a saved match.

    Note: You must be logged in to FIBS in order to play a match.

    Once a match begins, the board window will display the initial state with the dice showing for the opening player. If you have set an initial kibitz message in your Preferences, you will see the message preloaded in the Chat window. Just press return to send it, or select the Chat window to modify the message first.

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